Pets really are an extended member of the family. They’re so cute and cuddly, and they always provide a shoulder to lean on. Yet, as adorable as they are, it’s not so cute when they have accidents—especially if some of your floors are carpet. This article will answer the question: will carpet cleaning remove pet stains and odors?

The Simple Answer

The simple answer is yes. Carpet cleaning will remove pet stains and odors. However, there are a few things you should avoid when cleaning the carpet. The rest of this article will discuss what mistakes to avoid when getting your carpet professionally cleaned.

Use the Right Chemicals

Clean Investment will always use the right chemicals when cleaning your carpet. Some cleaning products have harsh additives that may destroy your carpet in the long run. It’s important to choose the right carpet cleaning company so its professionals will use the right chemicals.

What’s the Best Method?

Your first instinct may be to scrub the stain the minute you see it. Avoid this at all costs. By the time you see the stain, the enzymes from the urine will have already set in—scrubbing will only make things worse. Instead, carpet cleaning companies like Clean Investment will dampen and blot the stain to get rid of it. Hopefully, this method will also remove any lingering odors.

The piece has answered the question: will carpet cleaning remove pet stains and odors? The simple answer is yes. If you try to clean it up yourself, you could end up ruining your carpet. Pros know to avoid making certain mistakes. So, call Clean Investment for carpet stain removal services if you need help today. Our team will assist you in getting rid of any stains that ruin your carpet so you can get back to enjoying your pet’s company once again.