3 Interesting Facts About the Science of Pet Odor Removal

Covering up pet odors isn’t good for your home’s air quality or carpeting. Many homeowners think they’re removing the smell by adding fresh-smelling products on stains, but it doesn’t get the job done.

There’s a science behind pet odor removal. Continue reading for three interesting facts you didn’t know before that may help you understand how to better clean pet stains on carpeting.

Understanding the Components of Animal Urine

Most don’t think about the composition of animal urine before cleaning up their carpeting, but it’s an important fact to understand. Animal urine consists of water, urea, uric acid, enzymes, ammonia, carbohydrates, fatty acids, and more. Each of these components impacts how you clean up animal urine from carpeting.

For example, ammonia produces some of the strongest odors. The smell worsens when combined with humidity and the remaining bacteria from the stain. If you don’t remove the stain entirely, your pet will likely return to the same area and pee on the carpet repeatedly because of the lingering, familiar scent.

You Must Kill the Bacteria Before You Can Remove the Odor

Another interesting fact about the science of pet odor removal is that the longer pet stains sit on carpets, the harder it becomes to remove them and the odor. Failing to remove the bacteria from the carpeting will cause you to never fully extract the scent. The blend of bacteria and ammonia only grows. You need the right cleaning products to get the job done.

Cleaning products with strong chemicals, various soaps, or ammonia won’t fully clean the area. Pet urine and vomit are acidic substances. Simple cleaners cannot break down the acids. Therefore, the bacteria continue to linger in the carpet’s fibers, and the odors thrive.

Instead, you need to use an enzymatic cleaner. It’s a cleaning substance that uses biological methods to remove odors, stains, and organic waste. It’s ideal for pet urine and great for erasing pet vomit or feces stains.

Baking Soda Is Only a Small Fix

While it’s commonly known that baking soda is an odor neutralizer, it’s not the best product for solving all your carpet odors. Animal urine odors originate from the presence of ammonia and bacteria. As mentioned above, you must use the right cleaners to rid the carpet of lingering bacteria. Without the appropriate enzymatic cleaning product, it’s impossible to remove the odor.

Baking soda is a helpful odor neutralizer to use after the enzymatic cleaner. Once the stain disappears from the surface, lightly sprinkle baking soda on the affected area. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then vacuum the space thoroughly.

When you need carpet cleaning in Temecula, Clean Investment’s team of professionals is ready to remove those pesky pet odors from your carpet. Before you know it, the smells are gone, and your carpet is free from persistent bacteria.