Why You Should Keep Your Tile Clean for Your Kids

Dirt, food crumbs, germs, and so much more linger on the floors of your home. It’s easy to sweep the surface and create an illusion of cleanliness. But when you have tile floors, you may not realize how dirty the tiles and the grout have become.

It’s especially important to properly clean tile flooring when you have young children. If you want to keep your family safe, continue reading about why you should always keep your tile floors clean for your kids.

Floors Carry Harmful Bacteria

Any area of your house can grow unsafe bacteria and germs. You might encounter E. coli or salmonella from food spills in the kitchen. Perhaps the tiles and grout in the bathroom have mold and mildew on them. Regularly cleaning the flooring in these areas is essential to keep your family safe.

Kids Make Close Contact With the Floor

Children are prone to slipping and falling when they’re young. They’re learning how to control their movements and navigate the world. You’ll see kids stop themselves from falling with their hands. Afterward, they might use their hands to eat food or wipe their face.

Kids aren’t as aware of their surroundings as adults. When your child places their hands on a surface with bacteria, they are in danger of exposing themselves to it.

Gentle Cleaning Products

When it comes to keeping your tiles clean, you should use a gentle cleaning product to protect your children. Using harsh chemicals to clean your floors will only increase your child’s chances of becoming sick. Avoid cleaners that contain chemicals like chlorine, bleach, phenol, ammonia, and sulfates. A simple homemade mix of water, white vinegar, and natural liquid soap will keep your tiles clean and your children safe.

Don’t forget that area rugs also contain dirt and bacteria that need a professional cleanse about twice a year. Contact Clean Investment for an area rug cleaning in Temecula to ensure your family feels clean and safe in your house.