Tips on How To Remove Stubborn Carpet Stains

Carpet can add beauty to any home. It’s plush and won’t show every scratch like hardwood floors do. However, carpets can still get dirty—especially if you have kids or pets. So, follow these tips on how to remove stubborn carpet stains so that you can keep your carpet looking beautiful.

Blot, Don’t Scrub

When a carpet gets stained, our first instinct is to scrub it. We want to take a bucket of water and soap to wipe it away. Although it seems logical, you should avoid doing this at all costs. The more you scrub, the more likely it is that the stain will set in. For example, don’t scrub if your carpet is covered in pet urine. The enzymes from the urine will settle into the carpet, and it’ll never go away. For this reason, you should blot the stain rather than scrub. Blotting will help pick up the stain so it doesn’t stay on the carpet.

Use the Right Chemicals

Some carpet cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that may ruin your carpet. Remember, you’re trying to remove a stain, not create a new one. As a result, you should carefully study the cleaning products before you buy them. Make sure to look at the ingredients so that nothing gets ruined.

Pro Tip: Organic cleaning products are also better for the environment.

Professional Carpet Cleaning Services

Of course, the best way to remove difficult stains is to have your carpet professionally cleaned. Clean Investment offers the best carpet cleaning services in Temecula. We have the tools it takes to make your carpet feel brand new. We know what we’re doing, so give us a call! We’ll be as transparent with you as possible.

These are three tips on how to remove stubborn carpet stains. Carpet stains ruin the aesthetic of a home, and they can create a smell over time. So, call Clean Investment to get rid of anything that looks unsightly.