When you have your carpet cleaned, you expect it to stay clean, right? That’s what you would think, but many people who have their carpets cleaned complain that the carpet is becoming dirty again soon afterward. Why is this, and how can you prevent it? Read on to learn the real reasons why your carpet gets dirty so fast.

You’re Wearing Your Shoes Indoors

If you notice that your carpets are covered in a layer of dirt shortly after they’ve been cleaned, it may simply be that you and your family have been bringing more dirt into your home. Every time someone walks into your house, they track in dirt, mud, pollen, leaves, oils, and other debris from the outdoors. Anything that a person has stepped in is now in your home and making its way into your carpets. This issue, however, is easily avoidable. Simply have family members and visitors wipe their shoes at the front door and remove them when they come inside.

There’s Been a Recent Change in Your Home

Another reason that your carpets might be getting dirty more quickly than usual is a recent change within your home or family’s lifestyle. Have your kids been spending more time playing outside than usual? Did you recently adopt a new dog who loves to play in the backyard? Or is it simply the rainy, messy season of the year? Consider whether these or other life changes are causing your carpets to accumulate dirt more quickly.

Your Carpet Was Cleaned Incorrectly

Ironically, a recent but poorly performed carpet cleaning can also lead to unusually high amounts of dirt accumulation. This can happen when a carpet is cleaned but not completely rinsed, leaving a sticky, filmy residue on the carpet’s fibers that is a magnet for dirt. Maybe you hired an inexperienced professional carpet cleaning company, or perhaps you tried to save some money by cleaning your carpet on your own. Always hire an experienced professional carpet cleaning company that knows how to properly clean your carpets without leaving behind excess cleaning solution or water in the carpets. With this type of cleaning, your carpets will stay fresh longer.

Now that you know the real reasons why your carpet gets dirty so fast, you can take the appropriate measures to keep your carpets clean. With proper maintenance and frequent professional cleanings, you’ll be able to keep your carpets clean and in good condition. Clean Investment offers professional carpet cleaning in Temecula, CA, so if you’re in the area and need an experienced, reliable carpet cleaner, give us a call.