Professional Carpet Cleaning Myths Explained

Are the myths and misconceptions surrounding carpet cleaning keeping you from calling a professional carpet cleaner? Then this article is for you. Do your research and overcome your inhibitions by hearing these professional carpet cleaning myths explained.

Myth 1: Your Carpet Only Needs To Be Cleaned When It Looks Dirty

You would think that your carpet only needs to be cleaned when it looks dirty, right? Unfortunately, this is not the case. Most carpets are designed to camouflage dirt and debris, and by the time they appear dirty, they’ve probably already been filthy and in need of a cleaning for quite a while. Other debris, such as dust mites and allergens, are invisible and won’t give you a visual sign that your carpet needs to be cleaned.

Myth 2: Professional Cleaning Will Damage Your Carpet

Some people believe that vacuuming too often or having your carpet professionally cleaned will damage the carpet. But there’s no need to worry, because quality carpets are designed to hold up in the face of both regular vacuuming and professional cleaning. Even though most carpets won’t be damaged by professional cleaning, a good professional cleaner will test the cleaning method on the carpet to ensure it’s safe. If one professional method isn’t safe for your carpet, another will be.

Myth 3: You Can Clean Your Carpet Just as Well Yourself

In the interest of saving money, many people are eager to rent or buy a steam cleaner to clean their carpets themselves. However, renting a steam cleaning machine is not a good substitute for professional cleaning. Non-professional steam cleaning machines and methods may loosen a stain, but they tend to be bad at extraction, leaving your carpets wet, susceptible to mold and mildew, and not actually clean. Better to call a professional whose equipment and methods are more effective.

Myth 4: Professional Cleaning Will Leave Your Carpets Wet

Speaking of wet carpets, are you nervous that professional carpet cleaning will leave your carpets wet? Don’t be. Because of the water extraction process used in steam cleaning and other water-based carpet cleaning methods, professional cleaners effectively remove most of the water used in cleaning. Your carpet may be damp for a few hours after cleaning, but it will certainly not be wet for days and certainly not long enough for mold or mildew to form.

Myth 5: The Cheapest Option is Always the Best

Many people are tempted to jump at the cheapest professional carpet cleaning option, but this is usually a bad idea. Unusually cheap prices can be a sign of low-quality service that could leave your carpets dirty or even damaged. Worse, you could be ripped off. Avoid these issues by choosing a reliable carpet cleaner—even if it means spending a little extra.

Who knew there were so many professional carpet cleaning myths to be explained? Hopefully, our answers to these myths have given you some peace of mind. If you’re in the Temecula, CA area and are looking for Temecula carpet cleaning services, choose Clean Investment. We pride ourselves on honesty and good service, and we’ll get the job done well.