DIY vs. Professional Upholstery Cleaning: Which Is Better?

A piece of food covered in sauce falls onto the couch cushion. On a different day, soda spills on the armrest. You fix it up and can’t tell the stain was ever there. Does your couch feel like new, or does it feel like those stains continue to persist on the surface?

There are benefits to both DIY and professional cleanings, but there’s more to it than just acknowledging them. Continue reading to learn which is better: DIY or professional upholstery cleaning.

Cleaning Equipment

The cleaning equipment is what truly separates the DIY and professional cleaning services. Most professional services have very powerful and effective equipment to remove deep stains on heavy fabrics. The machines pump water while simultaneously removing water from the surface so the area doesn’t get soaked.

DIY cleanings don’t have the water control that professional cleaning tools provide. You might add plenty of water for scrubbing, but removing the water on your own is impossible without a specialized upholstery cleaning tool.

If you’re still questioning whether DIY or professional upholstery cleaning is better, this next section may help you decide.

Deep Cleaning

As mentioned above, the cleaning equipment that professional services use is incredibly effective for removing stains. Not only will they remove the undesired discoloration, but professional cleaners will deep clean and remove any bacteria deep within the piece. Clean fabrics create healthier air and environments for your home.

When cleaning stains yourself, you can only reach the upholstery fabric’s surface level. You may notice you can’t see the stain anymore, but the bacteria from the substance remains below.


Cleaning upholstery for the first time and knowing exactly the right steps to take can feel daunting. You research all you can before attempting the task, but sometimes things don’t go the way you planned. It’s important to know how much cleaning solution to apply, how to scrub the affected area, and how much water to use.

When you hire professionals to clean carpets or upholstery in your home, you can rest assured they have the proper skillset to get the job done efficiently. Their equipment helps the process, but their skills help them thoroughly understand the cleaning process. Professionals won’t leave excess water that develops into mildew.

Professional cleaning services are the best way to maintain your upholstery and avoid damaging your furniture so it lasts longer. DIY cleaning can occasionally do more harm than good. A professional cleaning service guarantees your furniture is properly cleaned without a second thought.

Perhaps the upholstery stains aren’t the only issues you face. If you need an area rug cleaning in Temecula, call Clean Investment to learn how our team can erase and clean these stains so it looks as if nothing was there in the first place!