Homeowners worry about how their pets will potentially damage their flooring. While you adore your furry friend, you also want to improve your home’s presence.
Grout and tiles are troublesome to clean at times, and pets can make things worse. Read three easy ways to pet proof your grout and tile so you always have glistening floors in the home!
Apply a Tile and Grout Sealant
Pets can expedite dirt accumulating on the flooring. While cleaning is always necessary, there’s a way to prolong tile and grout’s appearance without cleaning constantly.
When you don’t seal the grout, it will quickly absorb whatever substances fall onto the surface. Grout quickly absorbs water and makes it more at risk of developing mold and mildew.
Having pets adds even more concerns to the tile and grout. Your pets can have accidents, throw up when feeling sick, or dribble water after taking a big gulp of water.
Sealants will safeguard the tile grout from various pet messes. The product protects against discoloration, stains, or growing mold and bacteria. With the sealant in place, you can simply clean up the mess with the proper cleaning items.
Use Pet-Proof Cleaning Supplies
Homeowners utilize various chemical cleaning products to sanitize surfaces. However, this can be incredibly dangerous to your furry friends. They’re unaware of the dangers of these chemicals.
If they see a piece of food dropped on the floor, they run to eat it and lick the surface. But what happens if you just cleaned with a toxic chemical?
Always use pet-proof cleaning supplies. Substances like bleach, hydrogen peroxide, phenol, isopropyl alcohol, ammonia, and chlorine are toxic to pets. Avoid cleaning products with any of these substances. Although they’re very efficient, you never want to put your pet’s health in jeopardy.
Keep Your Pet’s Nails Trimmed
Another easy way to pet-proof your grout and tile is to keep your pet’s nails trimmed. As they scurry around, their nails dig into the floors. Pets have very sharp and long nails if not properly cared for.
You can always trim your pet’s nails yourself or take them to a groomer for professional care. Regularly caring for your pet’s nails will keep them short and incapable of scratching the tiles or grout in the future.
People and pets all make messes! Remember to use the proper tile and grout cleaning supplies to clean the floors at least twice a week. The disinfectant will return the floor’s natural shine!
When the dirt and stains are too much for you to handle, schedule a tile and grout cleaning with Clean Investment! The cleaning solution paired with an effective, pet-safe sanitizer will remove 98.6 percent of bacteria from the surface. Not only is it safe for everyone in your family, but this service will also make your tile floors sparkle again!